Children and family

We help children and families who need to rediscover well-being and daily harmony

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Youth and adults

We help youths and adults who need to understand themselves and their challenges

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We help professionals in establishing supportive environments for gifted individuals of all ages who are struggling

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Welcome to Gifted Institute - a knowledge center dedicated to giftedness

Gifted Institute is a knowledge center specializing in giftedness. Our vision is that all individuals should be approached based on their personal experiences and unique challenges. Our purpose is to enhance understanding of gifted and dobbeltexceptionelle (twice-exceptional) children, youth, and adults in school-, administrative-, and family settings.

We focus on helping gifted children and youth, their families, and professionals responsible for children's well-being and development. We are always available for a conversation and an assessment of your specific needs. We don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions because we recognize each person's uniqueness. Gifted Institute collaborates with several of the world's most recognized experts in giftedness and positive development.

Research, empirical data collection, and developmental work are central to the institute's DNA, and we always strive to be at the forefront of emerging knowledge. This is crucial for our ability to continuously improve our expertise. Gifted Institute boasts a large team of specialists with profound understanding of giftedness.

In addition to our permanent staff, the institute encompasses young, gifted individuals who teach and assist at Busy Brains and camps, external partners from both Denmark and abroad, and our many dedicated volunteers. Everyone collaborates towards a common goal: supporting gifted individuals of all ages and their families, promoting well-being, and showcasing strengths to enable everyone to realize their full potential.

Urgent inquiries

We feel a great obligation towards the people we encounter at the institute, and our goal is to help as many children, youth, and adults as we possibly can - every single day.

If you or your family are in a situation requiring immediate guidance and support, please reach out to us:
Sms on phone: 4034 0000
Via Email: [email protected]

We typically respond within a maximum of 12 hours - including weekends and holidays.

Please indicate if your inquiry is urgent, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Latest news from Gifted institute

Camps at Gifted Institute

Throughout the year, Gifted Institute organizes camps for gifted children and youth who are members of Gifted Children. The gifted perceive the world with greater intensity than their peers. They are interested in different things, worry about different things, and have the ability to see connections differently than their peers. Our camps serve as a refuge where these young people can authentically be themselves and discover a sense of belonging - all while participating in stimulating and fun activities and facing intellectual challenges

Se listen over årets camps her. ( See the list of this year's camps here)

Donate a camp-spot

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to join our community. That's why we always offer a number of free spots at our camps for families facing financial hardship. These free spots are sponsored by Gifted Institute's camp fund. You can donate to this fund, directly enabling a child to experience our camps.

All donations go directly towards providing free spots.

DONER TIL CAMP-KASSEN HER (Donate to the camp fund here)