Internationale samarbejdspartnere

Gifted Institutes internationale samarbejdspartnere

I Gifted Institute samarbejder vi med en række af verdens mest anerkendte forskere inden for høj begavelse og trivsel. Forskningsarbejdet er en central del af instituttets DNA og vi tilstræber altid at være med, hvor den nyeste viden opstår. Det er helt centralt for vores evne til hele tiden at dygtiggøre os, og vi er dybt taknemmelige for alle de vanvittigt dygtige mennesker, som vælger at samarbejde med os i arbejdet for at forbedre vilkårene for og udbrede kendskabet til de højtbegavedes særlige omstændigheder.


Ph.D., psychologist, writer and one of the most recognised and respected researchers in the field of giftedness

Dr. Linda Silverman
Founder and director of Gifted Development Center

Temple Grandin 2
Temple WG

Dr. Temple Grandin is a renowned advocate and expert in the field of autism, and she is a highly productive author and public speaker. She is also known and respected world wide for her books about visual thinking.

Dr. Temple Grandin
Professor at Colorado State University


Developer of Team Toppers and World Game. Language and making up stories are my passion. I have written over 200 children’s books and 4 thrillers for adults.

Marion van de Coolwijk
Founder Kind in Beeld

Patricia 1
Patricia 2

Has been working therapeutically with gifted children, adolescents and adults for four decades. Her adjunct consulting practice helps parents and educators recognize innate gifted characteristics, promoting self-confidence, academic and professional success, and holistic health and well-being.

Patricia Gatto-Walden
A recognized psychologist, PhD, member of Columbus Group, author and speaker

Heidi Lack
Heidi Lack

Heidi Lack supports the gifted, 2E, and neurodiverse communities as a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified registered art therapist, with advanced certification in Behavioral Medicine through Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry.

Heidi Lack, Ph.D., ATR-BC
Psychologist, public speaker, and advocate for those coping with the complexities of giftedness, attention and sensory processing challenges, currently working on a book on Misophonia.


Markus Essien
Former Head of School at Logan School for Creative Learning

Anne Beneventi
AB story

Certified Master Practitioner of Gifted Qualitative Assessment (GQA), Member of the Columbus Group, an Associate of the Gifted Development Center, has served as Chair of the Global Awareness Network of the National Association for Gifted Children.

Anne Beneventi
Founder of Tessellations - the Beneventi School

Nikki Myers
Nikki Myers 2

Representative to the State Board of Education's Gifted Education State Advisory Committee. Board governor of the Colorado Academy of Educators for the Gifted, Talented, and Creative (CAEGTC) and a co-director on the Global Awareness Network for the National Association for Gifted Children.

Nikki Myers
PhD-student. Nikki has bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, and a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialty in Gifted Education.


Dr. Christiane Wells
President of the Dabrowski Center


When not playing music (flute and piano), Dr. Grobman spends time with his wife growing their organic garden.

Jerald Grobman MD
Distinguished Fellow American Psychiatric Association


Founder of Center for the Advancement of Noesis in Greece and a long term scholar of and advocate for the gifted and with a strong passion for Cocio.

Dr. Danae Deligeorges
Founder at Center for the advancement of Noesis